Why You Need A Cannabutter Machine and Where to Get one

Why You Need A Cannabutter Machine and Where to Get one

Posted on February 23 2023

Botanical Infuser Machine

Cannabutter is a cannabis-infused butter that's becoming increasingly popular in the culinary world. 

Let's look at what cannabutter is and its benefits. 

We'll also share a simple recipe for homemade cannabutter and how a cannabutter machine can help.

Let's find out more about this delicious ingredient!

What Is Cannabutter?

Cannabutter is a type of cannabis-infused butter.

It is made by simmering cannabis in butter, which extracts active ingredients. 

The resulting mixture is then strained to remove the plant material. The cannabutter can be used in any recipe that needs butter.

You can use cannabutter in any recipe that needs butter, making it a versatile ingredient for many dishes.  

Here are some benefits of cannabutter:

1. Control Your Dosage

When making cannabutter, you can determine how potent you want it to be by adjusting the amount of material you use.

2. Cannabutter Is A Versatile Ingredient.

Cannabutter can do the trick to make a pot-infused cake or some weed-laced macaroni and cheese. Some other popular recipes include infused brownies, cookies, and cakes. 

You can use cannabutter to make infused grilled cheese sandwiches if you're feeling creative.

If you're looking for something new to try, this is the perfect recipe for you! 

Making Cannabutter At Home - What You Need To Know

You should know a few things before making homemade cannabutter.

  • It's important to decarboxylate your cannabis before infusing it into butter. This process will ensure that the active ingredients in your cannabutter is activated and will maximize its potency.
  • Use unsalted butter, so your dish doesn't become too salty.

If you're looking to make homemade cannabutter, try this simple recipe.

To start, you'll need to gather some supplies. 

  • Large saucepan
  • 1 pound of unsalted butter
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 ounce of decarboxylated material

It's time to start cooking. 

  1. Melt the butter in the saucepan over low heat. 
  2. Add the water and material to the melted butter.
  3. Simmer the mixture for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. The longer it simmers, the more potent the cannabutter will be.
  4. Once the time is up, remove the saucepan from the stove and strain the mixture using a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer into a clean bowl. 
  5. Squeeze out all of the liquid from the cannabis before discarding it.

And that's it! 

Store in an airtight container in your refrigerator and use within 2 weeks for best results.

Cannabutter Machine - The Easiest Way To Make Cannabutter

Cannabutter is a versatile and surprisingly simple ingredient to make. You just need the right ingredients, patience, and the right equipment. 

Shopping for a cannabutter machine? 

Enhance your experience with ONGROK's Cannabutter Machine

ONGROK's Cannabutter Machine is made with Food Grade Materials and includes safety features such as lab-grade temperature control and overspill/boil dry sensors. It’s fully automatic: simple to use, easy to clean, and gives you an extra set of hands in the kitchen!

Plus, it has everything you need to make potent essential oils, tinctures, balms, and botanical lotions. 

Plus, it's the perfect choice for those looking for an easy-to-use and efficient way to make cannabutter.

So go ahead - give it a try!

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